Tunnel Method
Line up: Move the screen position using the arrow keys to the very bottom as far as it can go so that when it resets itself you can't quite see all of the player's head. Then move the screen left or right untill the grass at the bottom of the signpost is touching the inner wall to the right of the hole. Shot 1: Now just move the screen straight up untill it has to reset itself and looks like the picture above, it should be like mine as long as you don't move the screen left or right will doing this. With the screen position in the right place all you have to do now is move the cursor so that the lower right tip is 1 pixel above the orange bar at the bottom of the screen and so that the cursor is over to the very far left edge of the screen. IF YOUR PLAYER 2 THEN MOVE THE CURSOR YET ANOTHER PIXEL HIGHER...DON'T ASK ME WHY...YOU JUST DO!
Non-Tunnel Method
Shot 1: Tip of cursor In the middle of the hole.
Shot 2:
Tip of cursor touching the corner second nearest to the player on the left.
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